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University of Arizona

STEM Excellence Tutoring is deeply integrated with the University of Arizona, providing specialized support in all science and math courses. As alumni, our founder, Dr. Lori, along with many of our expert tutors, have a profound understanding of the university’s departments, professors, and course requirements. We offer exclusive UA-specific programs designed to cater specifically to the needs of Wildcats, ensuring that students receive the most tailored and effective tutoring available.
University of Arizona Tutoring

University of Arizona Chemistry Courses

Our specialized programs for University of Arizona chemistry courses are meticulously designed to align with each specific class. These targeted programs focus on deepening understanding of course content and equipping students with the skills needed to excel in their exams and overall class performance.

Chem 130

In this course students will obtain a qualitative understanding about the chemical aspects.

Chem 151

Chemistry 151, or “Chemical Thinking” at the University of Arizona has quite the reputation. It’s often referred to as a “weed out” class for freshmen and sophomores.

Chem 152

In this course students will obtain a qualitative understanding about the chemical aspects.

Chem 241A

STEM Excellence Tutoring is here to help provide you with the necessary guidance and support you need to thrive in Organic Chemistry and beyond.

Chem 241B

The second semester of Organic Chemistry is a crucial phase to dive deeper into the complexities of organic compounds, reactions and synthesis.

Exam Reviews for UA Chemistry Courses

To support University of Arizona students in navigating the challenges of exam preparation, we provide free comprehensive exam reviews throughout the semester for all chemistry courses, including CHEM 151, CHEM 152, CHEM 130, CHEM 241A, and CHEM 241B. These reviews are available to all UA students and feature live review sessions accompanied by practice exams. After each session, students also receive a recording, ensuring they can review the material as needed to enhance their understanding and performance.
ACT Exam Prep STEM Excellence Tutoring

Private Tutoring for UA Courses

STEM Excellence Tutoring offers expert private tutoring for all University of Arizona science and math courses. With years of experience supporting UA students, our tutors have developed a deep understanding of each class’s curriculum and key focus areas. They are equipped to help students excel by tailoring sessions to the specific demands and content of every course offered at UA.

Start your journey to academic excellence at the University of Arizona. Fill out the form to discover tailored tutoring solutions that fit your educational needs.

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Select your specific science or math courses from a comprehensive list tailored for UA students..
Finally, access our calendar to book your first tutoring session at a time that works best for you.

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